Wednesday 17 February 2016

Thirsty Rose Face Cream moisturiser

                                                         Thirsty Rose Face Cream

Whoa this is truly amazing and great fun to make once you get the hang of it. I can't tell you how wonderful this cream is. After many experiments this is a great recipe for  both the face and the body. This moisturizer is much richer than my body creams and sinks into your face like a breeze. It smells divine and it's packed full of wonderful goodness.

Fig.1. L.Moore. Homemade Thirsty Rose Face Cream 
Fig.2. L.Moore. Red Rose 


1 oz Emulsifying wax
90 ml coconut oil
90 ml Avocado oil
150 ml Rose water
50 drops Rose Otto essential oil
2 drops vitamin E oil

Create two bain marie's (a glass bowl placed on top of a pan of water) on your stove. In one bowl measure in your oils (emulsifying wax, coconut oil, avocado oil) and in the other bowl add your measured rose water. In order to get your coconut oil from hard to soft before you pour it in the bain marie melt it in the microwave for a dew seconds and then you can measure it. Heat both bowls to approx 70-75 C until your oils have melted. When both the oils and water are the same temperatures take the water bowl out of the pan (with an oven glove or tea-towel and place on kitchen surface. This is really important now ... add the melted oils to your water slowly while you whisk at the same time. Keep whisking and adding your oils slowly until all the solutions are mixed together. Then wait for the mixture to cool down. As it is cooling down if your mixture looks like it is separating then whisk again until it binds together. When it has cooled down a little more then add 50 drops of rose essential oil and 2 drops of vitamin E oil and mix together. When it is cold spoon into clean sterilized jars or pots. Ta Dah...

I have tried many recipes and oils and variations on oil/water mixes and I find this one works the best for me. If you reverse the process and add water to the oils your  mixture is a lot more greasy.I find this consistency works really well for me. The avocado oil is amazing for the skin. It is high in vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids and exceptionally good for dry mature skin (I am a 110 years old really LOL). The coconut oil is also packed with fatty acids which is fantastic for the skin. I have been making this cream for a while now and it lasts me for about a year. I do tend to keep my main supply in the fridge. I pot what I need and go back to the fridge when my little pot is empty. My friends love it.

You can experiment with all kinds of oils and waters for different skin types to explore. Hey you can even use cooking oil, olive oil, carrot seed oil (also fab for the skin) and lots and lots more... herbal tea waters also work well that can change the color of your creams to delicious pinks and lemons for the body. Now what more can I say about rose essential oil ... it is absolutely invincible for the skin. It has been a popular oil for the skin in all kinds of skin products which are really expensive so why not make your own. I use the Bulgarian rose otto oil and it is just divine. When you put this cream on your skin your skin drinks it. It glides across your face like silk and the smell lifts you from one realm to another. Just pure heavenly pleasure.

I feel the luxury of this wonderful rose twice a day. First thing in the morning and last thing at night I immerse myself in the luxury of this amazing flower. In one action I get the pleasure of smelling summer in through my breath and out through my nose...ah now that's something to put a smile on your face while you sleep or start your day (such a small pleasure to brighten up your day).

Fig.3. L.Moore. Bain Marie's of oils and waters 

Fig 4. L. Moore. Mixed oil/water with electric whisk

Fig 5. L.Moore. Coconut oil

Fig 6. L.Moore. Rose Otto Essential Oil

Fig.7. L.Moore. Avocado oil (and other equipment)

I use the coconut oil you see in the picture. I have been using this coconut oil for many years which is much cheaper than the extra virgin coconut oil.  Also I use this in cooking and I am well aware of the debate on whether this brand is hydrogenated or not. There is lots of debate about virgin verses refined which you may want to do your own research on and decide for yourself.

Source material


  1. What a lovely surprise to recieve a parcel with three little samples of natural beauty creams.  I've tried a few before when Lorna was first experimenting and researching natural products and loved them, now she has refined the recipes and sent some of her favouritesto try.

    So here goes, first I tried to Otto Rose thirsty face cream, whilst my skin is not visibly dry it never feels properly hydrated. This is a thick cream initially hard to apply but with a bit of heat from the palm of my hands it soon worked in, less is definitely more. It feels wonderful and smells divine, a perfect as night cream, l drift off to sleep to the wonderful aroma of roses, bliss!

  2. I am using the Rose Otto Night Cream. Extremely good, high quality product.

    When a new friend gave me a sample of a home made face cream I thought "how kind!" But "be prepared to be polite about it". So imagine my surprise and delight when I found it to be a luxury product! I feel truly honoured to be using it.

    I love the thick texture, which I find unusual in the wide ranging beauty products I have tried before. As a qualified beauty specialist and aromatherapist, i believe it feels and smells like a professional aromatherapy face cream. In my opinion it surpasses the pleasure of using an expensive high street brand.

    Love it Lorna, congratulations.
