Thursday 4 February 2016

Jack (garlic mustard) Salsa Verde

Jack Salsa Verde

Oh my goodness this is to die for... it is much lighter than my 'nettle verde' (see other posts). This truly is a taste sensation and I had it with my homemade bread and my scrumptious nettle soup. What is most amazing about this little gem of a dip is the fact one cannot buy it in the supermarket and I feel rather pleased with myself. Whenever I come across jack-by-the-hedge or it's other name (garlic mustard) I can't resit picking it. I pick a little from each patch and gather in different locations to keep it going and leave plenty for other gatherers. There is nothing quite like picking your own food and experimenting with it.

All my recipes are intended to be exploratory. I document my experience as a forager and like to share what I can do with these wonderful wild edibles. I always know when a experiment is successful because the food is scooped up immediately and I have my partner and friends to thank for that and their wonderful honest comments. I will continue adding 'Jack' to my food creations so keep an eye out for new taste sensations.

I made my 'Nettle & Jack Salsa Verde' a few weeks ago and it was very powerful indeed. It packed a punch with it's taste and the colour was truly amazing. From that 'Jack Verde' was born ... and boy am I glad I made this ... I love it. Here is the recipe and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Spread it all over a homemade bread, have it with cheese or plonk it on top of a good fish ... the list is endless ... just try it ... yum!

Fig. 1. L. Moore 'Jack Salsa Verde' 

Fig .2. L.Moore A Detail of 'Jack Salsa Verde' 

Fig.3. L.Moore 'Jack Verde' with my homemade tomato bread
Jack Salsa Verde

1 decent sized bowl of jack-by-the-hedge
2 handfuls of pine nuts
2 anchovies
1 large tbs mascapone
4 good sized cloves of garlic
1 handful of capers
1-2 tbs lime juice
A good glug of olive oil
Salt & black pepper

Wash your jack in a bowl of tepid water. I add a little salt (to get rid of any nasties) and give it a good wash and then sieve and rinse under the tap to get rid of the salt. Add your jack and all the other ingredients into a bowl and wiz up with a hand blender (or put them all in a blender) until it is a nice consistency. Ta Dah it's done. Spoon it into a nice dish and eat ... Yummy.  Oh for decoration add a touch of olive oil on the top and a few Jack leaves.

This recipe can be altered in any way you wish. If you like it a little thinner add more oil etc and less mascapone ... just explore and enjoy.


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