Thursday 4 February 2016


Hello reader ... I hope you get a lot of pleasure from this blog...enjoy.

The purpose of my blog is to share my creative journey with you. I am exploring and experimenting with wild edibles to discover their uses, their health benefits and culinary explorations. I love to create something new out of the everyday so I am finding ways to use these free wild gems as a food source to create fascinating recipes, and health treatments including concoctions and teas, skin preparations and natural affordable body lotions, potions and pampering.

I get such a buzz from discovering new things so I want to take you on that experimental and creative journey with me so we can discover, create and find exciting methods to use that involve using wild edibles that are free, safe and amazing. Learning new techniques and knowledge of these edibles is both freeing and empowering ...

There is nothing quite like wandering the land and the coastlines and coming across 'jack by the hedge' a 'rowan berry tree', 'dulse seaweed' 'passion flowers' etc that become know to you and all of a sudden we see and experience a new window to the world. We wonder through these landscapes absorbed in our daily lives while these wild gems go unnoticed and recede into the background. However when we know what we are looking for and we come across a horseradish plant at a roadside or some wild rocket  down an urban path this world comes into the foreground and we are on our way to a magical journey of explosive discovery and excitement.

In an instant your connected to things you come across on a daily basis and suddenly the land (urban or rural) speaks to you. You begin to see the everyday in a whole new light and its truly awesome. It's the process of collecting, looking, researching, making and gathering that creates the missing link between us and the land. What is it about wild food that attracts us? What impact does grazing the land have on our psychological, physiological and physical well being both inside and outside? and how does color, touch and smells affect us? When we are foraging we forget the physical body and we become immersed in an action that is truly absorbing ... we are in the 'zone' or 'the moment' which has an extraordinary influence on our well being and happiness.

The process of these actions are translated into things as recipes, lotions, potions, creams etc. these things are just evidence of our process and our connection between the physical body and the world. A state of being in the world that is more a noun than a verb. So lets get connecting, making and exploring ... Yey!.  

I am sure you will get something out of my experiences as all my recipes are intended to be viewed as starting points for anyone to develop into something else. I have learnt from all my explorations which are worth sharing with you and are truly amazing. So get out there and give it a go.

I won't be going into all the technical terms for weeds, plants, flowers etc but use more local names that I am familiar with. I am sharing the knowledge and experience as I 'create' so if you want a lot of information about a particular wild edible I will always leave a source for you to research in your own time.

Just a word of caution if you in any way in doubt of what you have foraged then my mantra is
'if in doubt leave it out'

Also when you cook your new creation try small portions at first and always leave a little so you know what you have eaten if you respond badly to a particular weed or plant. These edibles will be new to the palette to most people so ingest small amounts.

So let's get creating Ta dah...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorna,

    just wanted to say thanx for the Hawthorne Jelly, Guelder Rose Jelly and the Chilli Plum Jam. They were all Ab Fab.
    Johnny B xxx
