Saturday 29 October 2016

Rich Black Elderberry Cordial

Rich Black Elderberry Cordial

This post is out of sync with the seasons (just a bit) has been busy but please enjoy I want to share this gem of a berry.

It is not cold yet but I have made this cordial thinking ahead to have on a cold winters evening with hot water and a good old fire. Elderberries are packed full of goodness and are believed to be extraordinary in fighting against colds and flu. This is also an amazing cold drink with soda water and ice...slurp...g for it!
© Fig.1. L.Moore Black Elderberry Cordial     
© Fig.2.L.Moore Black Elderberry Cordial
© Fig.3. L.Moore "Cordials together"
©. Fig.4.L.Moore Elderberries 


Elderberries (about a pan)
sugar (the same amount as extracted juice)
water (to cover berries)
2 tsp lemon juice

This is ridiculously easy and well worth the little time it takes. Collect about a pan of elderberries and using a folk comb through them to release the berries from their stalks. Put in a pan and cover with water (about an inch from the berries). Boil for about 10 minutes until soft and then using a masher give them a mash in the pan. Now sieve them into a bowl. Measure the same amount of sugar as your extracted juice. Pour your juice into a clean pan and add the sugar and a little lemon juice. Boil for  no longer than 10 mins (otherwise it gets too thick) and then bottle into sterilised jars...hooray...that's it...gulp it down it's gorgeous.

If you collect a lot of elderberries they freeze brilliantly and then you can make a batch in the winter. Have it warm with cinnamon or cloves. Experiment with adding vanilla flavors to your juice.

Enjoy x

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