Saturday 29 October 2016

Proud Blackberry and Chilli Jam

Proud Blackberry and Chilli Jam

Oh yes there are lots of them about at the moment. Go and get an old shirt on and go blackberry picking before it's too late. These little unassuming beauties will knock your socks off for taste. The list is endless what you can do with these but I opted for a good old fashioned jam/jelly that I can have with butter and toast and in yogurts, granola, and puddings along with certain cheeses and meats...let your creativity flow. Hooray to the humble blackberry...your gorgeous.

This post is a little out of sync with the is great it's just a bit busy at the moment but hey ho better late than never LOL.
© Fig 1.L .Moore Proud to be British...Blackberry and Chilli Jam 


1 large bowl of Blackberries
Sugar (same amount as extracted blackberry juice)
4 tbs lemon Juice
3 apples (any)
3 chillies (depending on stamina)

If you put your berries in the fridge for a while any crawlies tend to appear on the lid of your storage container so it is easier to get rid of any nasties. Put a saucer in your fridge for the plate test later on.

First give them a rinse gently so as not to take too much juice from them. Now add them to your pan with your chopped apples (keep peel on and cores) and cover with water about an inch from the berries and apples. Boil the berries and apples until soft simmering for about 15 minutes. Using a masher give them a mash and and then strain them. Collect the juice in a bowl and discard the pulp. Measure the same amount of sugar as your extracted juice. Now pour the juice into a clean pan and add the sugar. Heat up and dissolve the sugar. Keep stirring until it has dissolved. Then add your lemon juice and chillies.

Boil the juice rapidly for about half an hour and then do a plate test. The plate test is to see if the jam/jelly is ready. On your cold plate add a teaspoon of the boiling juice and pop back in the fridge until it cools down. Then take it out and push your finger through the jelly. If it crinkles up as you push your finger through it the jelly is done. If it is not done keep boiling a little longer and try again.

Now pour into your sterilized jars...Ta Dah. Just like that. Gorgeous...yummy. Great for present for xmas (why not make a hamper).

Enjoy x

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