Saturday 16 July 2016

Summer Elderflower Cordial

Summer Elderflower Cordial

Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees!

© L.Moore Fig 1. close up of elderflowers
© Fig 2.L.Moore lemons,limes & mint
© Fig 3.L.Moore mint, lemons & limes
© Fig.4.L.Moore Elderflowers in pan of water with fruits
© Fig 5.L.Moore Ta Dah...Elderflower cordial...yum
Well summer has finally arrived ...Yay... and it's elderflower season (well it was a week ago, the elderflowers are just on their last legs now). The trees and bushes where I live are in full bloom and bursting with goodies. I can see the trees out of my bedroom window and I revel in watching the weightless squirrels jump from tree to tree. The sun is out and the sky is blue...ah bliss. I sit up in bed and just stare out of the window. It's elderflower day and I'm thinking where to go and find some plump flowers.

I need my coffee so I pop to the local shop and get my milk lost in elderflower thoughts. As I cross the green where I live (there are lots of trees there) I stop suddenly. In the distance I think I see an elderflower bush. 'Nah, it can't be'. Sure enough as I get closer there it all it's glory full of bursting elderflowers. It's not a very big bush but it's loaded with flowers. I have lived here for about 3 years and never ever noticed it. I can't believe my luck and I'm totally bewildered why I've never noticed it before. I came to the conclusion that because I take the exact same route each morning to the shop across the same path along the green I have missed out on these beauties due to old habits. I am astonished I never saw it before. Now that's a big lesson in sticking to old rituals. I run home and get my trusty little ladder, a large paper bag and some scissors. Hoorah to elderflower cordial! It's early in the morning and it's the best time to collect before the bees take all the pollen. Though it's a small bush the ladder is a godsend because I can't reach most of flowers. I snip about 40 flowers and head home with the ladder over my shoulder.

Elderflower Cordial

40-50 flowers
3 lemons
1 lime (add an orange if you like as well)
50 g citric acid
1 kg (2 pound bag of sugar)
3 liters of boiled water
Fresh mint sprigs

Boil your water and take off the hob. Slice your lemons and put in pan and stir.  Then grate the rind of a lime and then squeeze out the lime juice and add to your pan. Then add the sugar and and the citric acid and stir until it has all dissolved.  Then pack in as many elderflowers as you can. When you collect your elderflowers pick them in the morning especially when its been sunny. This time of the day you will get most of the pollen before the bees take it. Place the flowers on paper and let the insects leave the flowers. Then cut with scissors and drop them into your pan.
Stir your mixture and add your mint. Cover the pan and put in a dark place and leave for 3- 4 days. Stir daily.

Strain the mixture and bottle to the top and enjoy.

Sterilizing  bottles
Place bottles in a cold oven. Now turn the gas to 160 degree centigrade and when it heats up leave in the oven for about 10 mins. Leave to go cold in the oven and then take out. Now pour your cold elderflower juice into your cold bottles with a jug.

This is yummy with cold sparkling water and slices of lemon and mint. Ta Dah...go for it you will love it...


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