Sunday 12 June 2016

Ocean Sea Beet with Parmesan Cheese and Greens

Ocean Sea Beet with Parmesan Cheese and Greens

While I was on my holiday enjoying the delight of foraging outside my familiar neighborhood I was amazed at what I could find in this part of out little Island. I'd been to Devon and I found some amazing edibles on the beach. While I was taking a stroll along the beach and thinking about the world... as you do I came across a great find of greens. As usual I had my pocket guide of wild edibles with me and my camera and a few paper bags. The weather was lovely and I was somewhere else with my thoughts. I had my toes in the sea water and I found a tiny little beach all to myself. Oh to have your own bit of beach to yourself is a wonder dogs, no people just me and the ocean...ah such a delight.

© L.Moore. Fig.1. Collected Sea Beet
I was listening to the water and looking around and breathing in the sea air and doing a bit of breathing exercises (breath in for 6 breath out for 8 etc). I felt the salty air up my nostrils and I was so chilled. I laid on a rock and just wandered off into complete calm. After a while I continued on my walk and came across a whole load of sea beet..oh yes there it was green, shiny and welcoming...what a prized find yay.

So I bagged a handful and scurried on up to the rented holiday home and did my research. Bingo! yes indeed it was sea beet..Ta Dah to another amazing day. The texture of this lovely leaf is thick and rubbery and you would imagine it tasted rather tough. On the contrary it's amazing.
© L.Moore. Fig 2. Collect your Sea Beet 
© L.Moore. Fig 3. Sea Beet by the sea
© L.Moore. Fig 4 Sea Beet with parmesan cheese and greens
© L.Moore. Fig 5. Empty dish speaks volumes (first cooked on holiday)
© L.Moore. Fig 6. Collect your Sea Beet (responsibly) on cliff side

4/5 handfuls of sea beet (treat as spinach i.e a lot gives you a little)
1 green pepper
2 tbs cream cheese
4 cloves of garlic
1 lemon
Parmesan cheese for grating on top
Butter for frying (or an oil of your choice i.e olive oil/coconut etc.)

Wash you sea beet and pat dry. In a frying pan melt your butter and gently fry your garlic. Add your sea beet and pepper and fry for about 10 minutes until sea beet is soft. Add your cream cheese and lemon juice and stir. In a warm ovenproof dish add your sea beet and grate on top with parmesan. Place under the grill for a minute and serve. Ta Dah... delicious.

Get out looking for this incredible edible...I promise you won't be disappointed.

As usual my disclaimer is that 'it is not my responsibility if you don't pick the right edible'. Please be 100% certain it is what it should be. If in doubt leave it out. Some of my posts will give you source material to do your research and point you in some interesting directions and some do not. It all depends how much time I have when I am writing.

But please enjoy! It is great fun.

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