Monday 30 May 2016

Lemon Rock Samphire with parmesan cheese

Lemon Rock Samphire with Parmesan Cheese

Well what can I say about this crazy abundant edible?

It's Absolutely marvelous

© L.Moore Fig 1. Lemon Rock Samphire with Parmesan
© L.Moore. Fig.2 Rock Samphire Just collected from rock face
© L.Moore. Fig.3. Rock Samphire on cliff face
© L.Moore. Fig.4. Rock Samphire in context on rock face
© L.Moore. Fig 5. Lemon Rock Samphire with Cheese
© L.Moore. Fig 6. Empty dish speaks volumes (my first trial of samphire cooked on holiday) 
© L.Moore fig. 7. At home with salmon
I went on a family holiday to Devon and found this extraordinary edible on the cliff face within easy reach of little old me. This was a very lucky find because usually rock samphire can be incredibly difficult to get on a cliff face. As soon as I saw it I knew immediately what it was. I bagged a handful and went back to our holiday house and did my research on it. It was indeed rock samphire. I had never tasted rock samphire before. I had tasted marsh samphire from certain supermarkets but I have never seen this wonder. I tried it raw first (when I was 100% certain what it was) as a little nibble and thought 'wow that's different'. I can't find the words to explain how it tastes but my interpretation of it reminds me of a celeriac. NO one else agrees with me of course so don't take my opinion literally. You will have to try it yourself. A lot of recipes suggest pickling it and I can see why. I imagine it would pickle really well. So as per usual I wanted to experiment with it...and hey presto here is my little recipe which I thought was yummy.  

4 big handfuls of rock samphire
4 cloves of garlic
2 tbs butter (or oil of your choice i.e coconut etc.)
1 lemon
2 tbs cream cheese (optional)
Parmesan for grating on top

In a pan steam your rock samphire for about 10 minutes and drain off as much water as you can. Then in a frying pan add your butter and lightly fry your garlic and then add your samphire and the juice of half to a full lemon. Fry for about 5 minutes and then add your cream cheese and stir in. Put your samphire in a warm ovenproof dish and then grate your parmesan cheese on top. Place under the grill for a few minutes and serve. I had mine with salmon and mint potatotoes and I have also had it in a warm salad with chicken and with pasta. Experiment with your adorable find. I can assure you it quite an extraordinary taste that will tickle those taste-buds..delicious.

I was lucky enough to bring some home and I put in the fridge for a week and it was still amazing. My partner delighted me by making me a chicken ballotine wrapped in garden herbs and parmesan cheese served with lemon samphire (without the cheese and steaming ...he fried it in garlic butter and lemon juice yum yum). Ah this is the life eating and exploring new edibles...what more does a woman want. If you have tried it and come up with innovate ways of using it then please let me know I would love to hear from you.

As usual please gather responsibly. I only take what I need and I always pick from a number of plants to ensure the plant thrives. Again 'if in doubt then leave it out'. I claim no responsibility for your identification of your wild foods. Be sure to try a tiny amount to see if it agrees with you. Below are some useful sites to help you identify rock samphire, recipes and other useful information.